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Usually ships in  24h.gif
  • Model: V6730
  • Weight: 1.09kg
  • SKU: V6730

Telephone: 0884 741 315, 02 945 28 92 

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CANNACURE is CANNA's first product that prevents, controls plant pests and mildew! Since its introduction in the beginning of 2011 it has been praised by many growers.

The Natural Way to Control Pests
CANNACURE is CANNA’s first environmental friendly plant pests controller.

CANNA Research Laboratories has developed a multi task growth stimulator that:

Controls plant pests by environmental friendly physical means
Stimulates growth as a leaf nutrient
CANNACURE ensures a healthier plant, that concentrates on producing bigger flowers and an increased yield.

Physical Function

By spraying CANNACURE you ensure that a second natural skin is formed on your plant. This layer makes sure your plant gets enough nutrients and is still able to breathe. The layer also makes sure that plant pests stick to it, therefore the plant pest will not touch the leaf directly and will die, because it is unable to function properly. It is very important that CANNACURE is applied thoroughly to upper and lower leaf surfaces.

CANNACURE user advice

Use CANNACURE once a week as a preventive measure to make sure plant pests can not make contact with the leaves. The pests will cease because they stick to the leaf and are unable to survive. If you have a heavy infestation, for example, the white- fly, spider mite or mealy bug, repeat spraying after 3 days and again if necessary after a further 3 days, then weekly afterwards. Even mildew will begin to appear less. CANNACURE can be used from the beginning of the growth till harvesting.

Availability of Nutrients

CANNACURE makes and keeps your plant healthy, shiny and clean, enabling optimal photosynthesis . This enables your plant to concentrate on flowering. Combining with CANNABOOST, fruits form more rapidly. The availability of nutrients is very important for achieving optimum results. CANNACURE combined with CANNABOOST, PK 13-14 and your regular CANNA feeding guarantees the best availability of all the nutrients.

Optimal resistance

Together with your other CANNA-nutrients and additives CANNACURE ensures the plant also has sufficient energy-levels available to resist any pathogens. Mixing different nutrient brands always endangers your plants health. This may result in a lack of plant energy which gives diseases a more probable chance to strike at crucial moments for your cultivation.

Better growth & protection

Environmental footprints are becoming more important each day. What do we leave the planet with after we have harvested? How do we prevent all toxic pesticides to penetrate the earth? By using CANNACURE you are not only ensured to get the job done and enabling high results, but on top of that it will not harm the environment and your own health. CANNACURE works by means of physical action. It defends your plant against pests and mildew, by providing the leaves a second natural skin, that makes it impossible for pests and mildew to function properly.

How does CANNACURE work?

Never had the control over your mildew or plant pests? With the new revolutionary CANNACURE you will be able to resist the different plant pests and mildew!

Spray CANNACURE to ensure a second natural skin is formed on your plants. This layer takes care of your plant gets enough nutrients and still is able to breathe. The second skin also makes sure the plant pests stick to the layer, through which the plant pest can not reach the leaf directly and will die because it is not able to function properly. Therefore it is important that CANNACURE is applied thoroughly to upper and lower leaf surfaces.

Where can I buy CANNACURE?
Do you want to know how it feels to control your plant pests or mildew?

Please visit your local Hydroponic shop for CANNACURE, today!

Directions of Use

User Intructions
-Dilution rate: 330 ml to 1 litre water
-Spray minimal once a week, up unti l harvest
-Apply using a fine sprayer, to maximise effectiveness
-Do not prepare the solution for more than ten days in advance
-Do not use together with products containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
-Do not mix with any other product – mix only with water
-Use CANNACURE along with your nutrients or other feed


-Shake bottle well before use
-Store closed and in a dark frost-proof place
-Keep out of reach of children


-The packaging is made of 100% Polyethylene (PVC and cadmium free), an easy biodegradable plastic which is also recyclable.

Do you still have some questions left?
Please check the frequently asked questions below to see if you can find an answer to your question.

Can't find an answer to your question?

Please contact us through CANNA Research.

Is CANNACURE a pesticide?
-No CANNACURE is not a pesticide. CANNACURE controls and/or prevent plant pests and mildew in a natural way.
When can I use CANNACURE?
-CANNACURE can be used from the start of the growth phase all the way up until harvesting. When CANNACURE is used to prevent pest please spray weekly, if CANNACURE is used to control pests please repeat spraying the plant after three days and when necessary again after three days, then weekly afterwards.
Which pests does CANNACURE control?
-Research has proven that CANNACURE controls and prevents heavy infestation like whitefly, spider mite, aphids, and mealybug. But also works against mildew.
Can I use CANNACURE next to my other feed?
-CANNACURE can be used the whole growing and flowering phase! Remark CANNACURE does not replace your normal feed but can be used next to your normal feed.
Is CANNACURE harmful for the environment?
-No CANNACURE is not harmful for the environment! CANNACURE is biodegradable and can be used on edible as well as ornamental crops.
How does CANNACURE control pests?
-CANNACURE provides the leaves with a second natural skin, that makes it impossible for pests and mildew to function properly. This skin forms a sticky layer which controls plant pests and makes sure the plant is able to breath.
Is the only working of CANNACURE to control and/or prevent pests?
-NO definitely not! One of the characteristics of CANNACURE is to control and/or prevent plant pests, but it is also a foliar feed. CANNACURE keeps your plant healthy, shiny and clean, enabling optimal photosynthesis. This enables your plant to concentrate on flowering.
Can I add CANNACURE to the normal nutrients?
-No, CANNACURE only works if it is sprayed on the leaves. Uptake by the plant through the water gift will not have any effect on the pests.