
Advanced Hydroponics Advanced Amino 250ml

Advanced Hydroponics Advanced Amino 250ml
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Advanced Hydroponics Advanced Amino 250ml
Usually ships in  24h.gif
  • Model: 000714
  • Weight: 0.40kg
  • SKU: 000714

Telephone: 0884 741 315, 02 945 28 92 

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Advanced Amino is an optimal biostimulant for more energy and vitality. Through an enzymatic (natural) hydrolysis and microfiltering, the active, biological amino acids are directly available to the plant. Growth and flowering are improved under all circumstances and the plants become more resilient in a natural way: more efficient photosynthesis, better CO² absorption, less sensitive to stress factors, fuller flowering and fruit production and better root activity.

Advanced Amino has the highest content of free and absorbableamino acids, is suitable to all crops and can also be combined with solid and/or liquid fertilisers.

Advanced Amino is especially recommended when the plants need an extra energy boost: e.g. in the starting phase - during sufficient leaf area, shortly after pruning, during high irradiation (assimilation lighting) and during the phase of fruit development.


Add Advanced Amino during the entire growth and flowering period. The dosage can be increased during situations of stress.


A dosage of 0.2 - 0.3 ml per 1 litre is recommended. Add to every feeding session. A dosage of 2 ml per 1 litre is recommended forfoliar fertilisation.

Shake well before use.

Why Advanced Amino:

▪ Increases the efficiency of photosynthesis.

▪ More natural resistance, vitality (greener and stronger leaves).

▪ Improvement of root activity.

▪ Stronger stalks with more branching.

▪ Better and higher fruiting: QUALITY.

▪ More efficient use of fertilisers and crop protection.


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