GROTEK - Всичко за вашите растения!
Grotek Biofuse is a water-soluble inoculant containing microorganisms that come to life when applied to soil. These beneficial microbes colonize the soil immediately surrounding plant roots, adding biodiversity that is often lacking in soilless environments.
Grotek Black Pearl is more than just high-quality charcoal. It is ladened with high-grade ingredients like biochar, volcanic rock dust, low molecular weight humates, and kelp. The harmony between ingredients in the soil provide a dramatic boost to crops when added to any nutrient program.
- BENEFICIAL BACTERIA - Biofuse™ is a water-soluble inoculant containing microorganisms that come to life when applied to soil. These beneficial microbes colonize the soil immediately surrounding plant roots, adding biodiversity that is often lacking in soilless environments. Application Rate: 1 gra..
Biofuse™ is a water-soluble inoculant containing microorganisms that come to life when applied to soil. These beneficial microbes colonize the soil immediately surrounding plant roots, adding biodiversity that is often lacking in soilless environments. Application Rate: 1 gram covers 1 square meter...
Biofuse™ is a water-soluble inoculant containing microorganisms that come to life when applied to soil. These beneficial microbes colonize the soil immediately surrounding plant roots, adding biodiversity that is often lacking in soilless environments. Application Rate: 1 gram covers 1 square meter...
- BENEFICIAL BACTERIA - Biofuse™ is a water-soluble inoculant containing microorganisms that come to life when applied to soil. These beneficial microbes colonize the soil immediately surrounding plant roots, adding biodiversity that is often lacking in soilless environments. Application Rate: 1 gra..
- BENEFICIAL BACTERIA - Biofuse™ is a water-soluble inoculant containing microorganisms that come to life when applied to soil. These beneficial microbes colonize the soil immediately surrounding plant roots, adding biodiversity that is often lacking in soilless environments. Application Rate: 1 gra..
Black Pearl™ is more than just high-quality charcoal. It is ladened with high-grade ingredients like biochar, volcanic rock dust, low molecular weight humates, and kelp. The harmony between ingredients in the soil provide a dramatic boost to crops when added to any nutrient program. Application Rate..
Synergy ™ е прах на глинена основа, съдържащ гъбички. Гъбите помагат на растенията да постигнат експлозивно развитие на корените и да подобрят общите почвени условия за повишена жизненост на растенията, чак до прибиране на реколтата. Арбускуларните микоризни гъби (AMF) подпомагат растежа и производи..
Growth Booster™ is a fully soluble, high nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer for vigorous vegetative growth. Supplementing your existing fertility program with Growth Booster ensures a strong crop with improved leaf, shoot, and root development. Start applying Growth Booster when the crop transitions..
Growth Booster ™ е напълно разтворим, високо азотен и фосфорен тор за енергичен вегетативен растеж. Допълването на вашата съществуваща програма за плодородие с Growth Booster осигурява силна реколта с подобрено развитие на листа, издънки и корени. Започнете да прилагате Growth Booster, когато култур..
Cal-Max™ works to charge soilless media and bring plants back from common minor nutrient deficiencies resulting from nutrient imbalance, rapid growth, or overly humid conditions. A must for growers using coir based soils. Available nitrogen fuels chlorophyll and protein production to quickly re-gree..
Cal-Max™ works to charge soilless media and bring plants back from common minor nutrient deficiencies resulting from nutrient imbalance, rapid growth, or overly humid conditions. A must for growers using coir based soils. Available nitrogen fuels chlorophyll and protein production to quickly re-gree..
Cal-Max™ works to charge soilless media and bring plants back from common minor nutrient deficiencies resulting from nutrient imbalance, rapid growth, or overly humid conditions. A must for growers using coir based soils. Available nitrogen fuels chlorophyll and protein production to quickly re-gree..
Cal-Max™ works to charge soilless media and bring plants back from common minor nutrient deficiencies resulting from nutrient imbalance, rapid growth, or overly humid conditions. A must for growers using coir based soils. Available nitrogen fuels chlorophyll and protein production to quickly re-gree..
Cal-Max™ works to charge soilless media and bring plants back from common minor nutrient deficiencies resulting from nutrient imbalance, rapid growth, or overly humid conditions. A must for growers using coir based soils. Available nitrogen fuels chlorophyll and protein production to quickly re-gree..
Simple sugars are a great way to impact the root zone of plants and provide the energy required to produce a quality harvest. Carbo-Max™ is based on simple sugars that provide a rapid energy source for soil organisms and plants, which enhances the metabolism of minerals to positively impact the ripe..
Simple sugars are a great way to impact the root zone of plants and provide the energy required to produce a quality harvest. Carbo-Max™ is based on simple sugars that provide a rapid energy source for soil organisms and plants, which enhances the metabolism of minerals to positively impact the ripe..
Simple sugars are a great way to impact the root zone of plants and provide the energy required to produce a quality harvest. Carbo-Max™ is based on simple sugars that provide a rapid energy source for soil organisms and plants, which enhances the metabolism of minerals to positively impact the ripe..
Simple sugars are a great way to impact the root zone of plants and provide the energy required to produce a quality harvest. Carbo-Max™ is based on simple sugars that provide a rapid energy source for soil organisms and plants, which enhances the metabolism of minerals to positively impact the ripe..
At the heart of our line is the essential NPK that provides a foundation for our multi-product Grotek Green Line. Core™ is based on plant matter, which not only provides key nutrients but also plant and mineral derived metabolites. This formula can be used to support beneficial soil biology in the r..
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 (1 Pages)