
CARBON-X CO2 - Всичко за вашите растения!

The TrolMaster Carbon-X system provides critical monitoring of CO2 levels for up to 13 separate zones / rooms. The system can have both high level (up to 30,000ppm) alerts, as well as low level (5,000ppm) alerts. Both high and low level limits are user-adjustable to meet local regulations for supple..
The ability to read up to 30,000 ppm CO2 is critical to the proper operation and safety of an emergency CO2 system like the Carbon-X.  The MBS-K30 is Trolmaster’s newest CO2 sensor, which incorporates a NDIR 0-30,000 ppm sensor in a self-aspirated enclosure. The MBS-K30 also features a built-in..
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