
GrowAIRSTREAM circulation 1.2

GrowAIRSTREAM circulation 1.2

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GrowAIRSTREAM circulation 1.2
Usually ships in  24h.gif
  • Model: 107633
  • Weight: 4.85kg
  • SKU: 107633

Telephone: 0884 741 315, 02 945 28 92 

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growAIRSTREAM Circulation 1.2

With the growAIRSTREAM circulation, growTOOL Company is offering all users of the growSYSTEM aeroponic 1.0 and 1.2 the perfect complimentary tool for a direct supply of fresh-air.

- Optimally cools the surface of the growDECK aeroponic
- Supplies additional fresh-air to plants
- Provides a consistent room climate in each indoor box
- Space-saving to transport
- Easy to clean
- For all fans with a 100 mm connection,
e.g. Ventilution axial fan (Item No. 101681)

With this additional tool, every amateur and professional gardener can now have all the ideal conditions required for growing plants successfully in an indoor box at their disposal.
The growAIRSTREAM circulation closes and rounds off the final gap and becomes the perfect plant growing system.


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