
HESI OrchiVit 1L

HESI OrchiVit 1L

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HESI OrchiVit 1L
Usually ships in  24h.gif
  • Model: HE88
  • Weight: 1.06kg
  • SKU: HE88

Telephone: 0884 741 315, 02 945 28 92 

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For profuse flowering and healthy growth!

OrchiVit is a complete fertilizer for Orchids.
Hesi OrchiVit is a combination of nutrients, trace minerals and extra vital elements.
Orchi Vit ensures vigorous growth profuse flowering and intensifies the colours of orchids and other flowers.
The extra vital elements improve the photosynthesis, the metabolysm and development of a rich and healthy micro-flora.
This leads up to an optimal intake of the nutrients and trace elements.
The formula of OrchiVit is perfectly adjusted to the needs of orchids with visible success after only a few applications.
HESI OrchiVit orchid fertiliser consists, among other ingredients, of a combination of HESI TNT Complex, HESI Root Complex and HESI SuperVit.
It is a concentration that is optimally adapted to the needs of orchids.
It has been tested and optimised with great success over several years.


  • 1ml/L of slow-growing orchids
  • 2-3ml/L for fast growing orchids


  • Do not fertilise during the resting period of the plant