Red Hot Chili Pepper „Red Finger” (Capsicum frutescens)

- Model: 106671
- Weight: 0.10kg
- SKU: 106671
What you should know: A pungent perennial plant that offers aromas of medium spicy to fiery spicy. The flowers grow in the form of capsules only in the second year on 50-80 inch plant with its elongated, oval and dark green leaves. They need 3-4 months to become mature. During this time they change color from green through yellow to fiery red. The hot pepper grows more slowly and over a period of time should be 30 cm of height. Its small and white flowers with the shape of a star are very beautiful. The raw or dried fruit is also used as a spice. They can be canned or jellied as well.
Uses: The fruits of hot peppers retain longest flavor when dried in the sun. Also in drying oven it developes its own distinct sharp taste. With chopped chilies, salt, lemon juice and fresh herbs you can make spicy chili sauce. It is also perfect for grilling marinade. When baked, fruit becomesweet and smoky.This is a perfect match for flavoring stews. In any case, you have to enjoy the hot peppers with caution. They are indeed very spicy.
Propagation: The small flat seeds are distributed on the greenhouse soil or earth suitable for herbs and spices, covered with a thin layer and gently pressed. Maintain constant moisture and heat respectively. Until germination the flat can be kept in the dark. At 20° -25 °Cseedsgerminateafter10-12days.
Care: In a pot or box, chili pepper grows easily at home with appropriate high temperature. When it grows outside, plant needs very warm and sunny place and appropriate potting soil, or garden soil.
Hibernation: The plant withstands winter and grows again next year. Wintering in the house is easier. Older leaves should be removed and the plant itself can be shortened. Watered sparingly and do not fertilize. At the end of February, it needs to be transplanted into a new pot and heavily trimmed, because in this way the new shoots get stronger, and thus the plant itself.